Así dice el artículo de Ana Callejo Mora en el "El Correo Farmacéutico" de la semana del 4-10 de Noviembre de 2013. Y según lo leí tuve la incipiente necesidad de compartirlo con vosotros.
El artículo se basa en un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Granada que concluye en que un alto consumo de chocolate ( es decir un consumo diario de una cantidad siempre no excesiva, que nos conocemos..), se asocia a niveles más bajos de grasa total ( acumulada en todo el organismo) y de grasa central ( abdomen).
Esto no significa que el chocolate sea un producto que ayude a adelgazar, ya sabeis que no hay alimentos que engorden o adelgacen por si solos, es la dieta general que llevamos la que nos hace fluctuar el peso.
¿Qué chocolate y qué cantidad?
Chocolate negro ( lo más puro posible) y una o dos onzas al día ( una onza son 5g. aprox.)
Nosotros ya dedicamos un post al Chocolate, a su historia, su composición nutricional y sus propiedades beneficiosas.
llego a Europa a través de España?
que es lo que nos aporta más beneficios para la salud?
Is what the article from Ana Callejo Mora says in the "Courier Pharmacist" for the week of 4-10 November 2013. And as I felt the need to share with you.
The article is based on a study conducted at the University of Granada which concludes that a high intake of chocolate (ie a daily consumption of an not excessive amount), is associated with lower levels of fat Total (accumulated throughout the body) and central fat (belly).
This does not mean that chocolate is a product that helps you lose weight, you know that there is not slim down fattening foods for themselves, is the overall diet that makes us carry the weight fluctuate.
The article is based on a study conducted at the University of Granada which concludes that a high intake of chocolate (ie a daily consumption of an not excessive amount), is associated with lower levels of fat Total (accumulated throughout the body) and central fat (belly).
This does not mean that chocolate is a product that helps you lose weight, you know that there is not slim down fattening foods for themselves, is the overall diet that makes us carry the weight fluctuate.
¿What chocolate and what amount?
Black chocolate (the purest you find) and one or two ounces (a ounce is 5g aprox)
We already dedicate a post to Chocolate, its history, its nutritional composition and its beneficial properties.
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