A veces por trabajo, a veces por placer, por algún acontecimiento especial... tienes una cena, comida o un evento al que tienes y quieres asistir sin "saltarte la dieta" , estas cuidando tu alimentación, haciendo deporte y no quieres tirar a la basura todo el esfuerzo... ¿ Qué hacer? ¿Cómo me cuido? ¿ Qué pedir? Aquí os dejo un decálogo básico de consejos:
Sometimes because of work, sometimes by pure pleasure, or maybe for some special occasion, you have a dinner, meal or event you have to attend and you don,t want to "skip the diet", you are concern about the food, doing regular sport and you do not want to waste all the effort... What should you do? How do I take care? What should I order? Here I bring you ten simple tips:
Sometimes because of work, sometimes by pure pleasure, or maybe for some special occasion, you have a dinner, meal or event you have to attend and you don,t want to "skip the diet", you are concern about the food, doing regular sport and you do not want to waste all the effort... What should you do? How do I take care? What should I order? Here I bring you ten simple tips:
1) La mejor forma de hidratarse sin duda alguna es el "agua", ver post agua (la base de la vida), los refrescos nos aportan una gran cantidad de " kilocalorías vacias" (energía sin vitaminas ni proteínas. Son prácticamente azúcares), y los "refrescos light" nos proporcionan gases que pueden hacernos sentir hinchados e incómodos. Una alternativa cardiosaludable y complementaria al agua es un vasito de vino tinto.
1) The best way to hydrate yourself is the "water", no doubt about it, see post water (life basis), soft drinks provide a lot of "empty kilocalories" (energy without vitamins or proteins. They are almost sugar), and the low calories soft drinks have gas, which can make us feel inflate and uncorfortable. A good option for the heart, besides the water, is a glass of red wine.
1) The best way to hydrate yourself is the "water", no doubt about it, see post water (life basis), soft drinks provide a lot of "empty kilocalories" (energy without vitamins or proteins. They are almost sugar), and the low calories soft drinks have gas, which can make us feel inflate and uncorfortable. A good option for the heart, besides the water, is a glass of red wine.
2) No debemos renunciar a nuestro trozo de "Pan" en cada comida. Lo que sí debemos intentar es no comerlo antes de que nos sirvan el plato principal. Como ya dijimos en el post "¿el pan engorda?", debemos consumir la ración adecuada (40g aproximadamente, una "pulga").
2) Whe should never give up our slide of "Bread" in each meal. What we should try is not to eat it before the main dish. As we said in the post "does the bread makes us gain weight", we should eat the right portion (about 40g).
2) Whe should never give up our slide of "Bread" in each meal. What we should try is not to eat it before the main dish. As we said in the post "does the bread makes us gain weight", we should eat the right portion (about 40g).
3) Debemos evitar los "fritos" y la "comida rápida", ambos nos aportan muchas kilocalorías, son ricos en grasas y, sobretodo en los fritos nunca sabemos en qué tipo de aceite se han frito, y cómo se han freído, puntos a tener en cuenta debido a que varía mucho la cantidad de grasa de los alimentos. Centrémonos en los productos a la "plancha" o "al horno".
3) We should avoid "fried" and "fast food", both provide a lot of kilocalories, they are rich in grease and we never know which kind of oil they have used, and how they have fried it, keys to care about due to the different grease levels of the food we are eating. Let,s focus on the "grill" and "roasted" food.
3) We should avoid "fried" and "fast food", both provide a lot of kilocalories, they are rich in grease and we never know which kind of oil they have used, and how they have fried it, keys to care about due to the different grease levels of the food we are eating. Let,s focus on the "grill" and "roasted" food.
4) ¡Ojo con las ensaladas! En ocasiones pensamos que pedirnos una "ensalada" es sinónimo de un plato hipocalórico, pero no tenemos en cuenta que las ensaladas llevan : salsa (tipo cesar), pollo empanado, dados de pan frito, quesos (tipo cabra), cebolla frita, bacon... que hacen que la ensalada sea una bomba kilocalórica, y, sin embargo, pensamos que hemos cuidado nuestra alimentación.
4) Be careful with salads! Sometimes we think ordering a "salad" means an hipocaloric food, but we do not go further and realize that salad can be mixed with: sauces (cesar), bread chicken, fried bread, cheese (goat), fried onion, bacon... which make our salad a calories bomb. However, we feel like we have keep our diet.
4) Be careful with salads! Sometimes we think ordering a "salad" means an hipocaloric food, but we do not go further and realize that salad can be mixed with: sauces (cesar), bread chicken, fried bread, cheese (goat), fried onion, bacon... which make our salad a calories bomb. However, we feel like we have keep our diet.
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DISTINTOS TIPOS DE ENSALADA* La imagen de la "ensalada cesar" ( derecha) pertenece a saborgourmet.com |
5) ¿ Carne o pescado? Dependerá si la forma de cocinado...si el pescado esta en salsa, mejor carne a la plancha. Lo mejor a elegir: pollo o pescado, ternera.
5) Meet of fish? It depends in the way we cook it... if we mix the fish with sauce, it is better grill meat. The best options: chicken or fish and then beef.
5) Meet of fish? It depends in the way we cook it... if we mix the fish with sauce, it is better grill meat. The best options: chicken or fish and then beef.
6) ¡Ojo con los puré o cremas de verdura! La mayoría para dar más sabor a la verdura utilizan nata, mantequillas.. siempre que pidamos verdura que podamos verla, que esté rehogada o cocida.
6) Be careful with vegetable purées and creams! Most of them use cream or butter to increase the flavour... if we order vegetables, fry lightly or cooked.
6) Be careful with vegetable purées and creams! Most of them use cream or butter to increase the flavour... if we order vegetables, fry lightly or cooked.
7) ¡No hay mejor postre que la fruta! como pudimos comprobar en el post ¡La fruta SIEMPRE!...
7) There is no better dessert than fruit, as we saw in the post Always fruit!
7) There is no better dessert than fruit, as we saw in the post Always fruit!
8) Pedir siempre un primer plato de verdura, bien fría tipo ensalada mixta o caliente como unas judías verdes, y a continuación un segundo plato : legumbres,arroz, pasta (estas dos ultimas mejor con verduras, champiñones... en vez de con salsa carbonara, con chorizo etc) o carne a la plancha/horno.
8) We should order first a vegetable dish, cold like mixed salad or hot like green beans, and further: legumes, rice, pasta (last two option better with vegetables, mushrooms... than with carbonara sauce, spicy sausage etc) or grill/baked meat.
8) We should order first a vegetable dish, cold like mixed salad or hot like green beans, and further: legumes, rice, pasta (last two option better with vegetables, mushrooms... than with carbonara sauce, spicy sausage etc) or grill/baked meat.
Ejemplo: Ensalada Mixta + Paella
Judías Verdes + Pollo Asado
Ensalada Campera + Lentejas
Example: Mixed salad + Paella
Green beans + Roast Chicken
Country salad + Lentils
9) Si añadimos un té o café después de comer, solicitar a ser posible la leche semi-desnatada, y añadir o poco azúcar o edulcorantes tipo sacarina. Debemos comer en, al menos 20min, comer despacio, no engullir, partir los alimentos en trozos pequeños (no exageradamente pequeños).
9) If we like to have a tea or coffee after the meal, mix it with semi-skimmed milk and add it low sugar or sweeteners like saccharine. We should eat, at least, in 20 minutes, slowly, cut the food in small pieces (not too much small).
9) If we like to have a tea or coffee after the meal, mix it with semi-skimmed milk and add it low sugar or sweeteners like saccharine. We should eat, at least, in 20 minutes, slowly, cut the food in small pieces (not too much small).
10) Y por último y no por ello menos importante, ¡equilibrar la comida con la cena!
10) Last but not least, balance the meal with the dinner!
10) Last but not least, balance the meal with the dinner!
"Que tu alimento sea tu mejor medicina y tu mejor medicina sea tu alimento" Hipócrates
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" Hippocrates
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" Hippocrates
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