La especia de la canela es la corteza interior seca de la rama del árbol del mismo nombre (Cinnamomun spp). Es un árbol originario de Sri-Lanka (Antigua Ceylán).
The cinnamon spice is a dried inner bark of the branch of the tree of the same name (Cinnamomum spp). It is a native tree from Sri Lanka (know as Ceylon in the past).
The cinnamon spice is a dried inner bark of the branch of the tree of the same name (Cinnamomum spp). It is a native tree from Sri Lanka (know as Ceylon in the past).
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Canela en rama y en polvo |
La CANELA y su impacto histórico / Cinnamon and its historical impact.
El comercio de la canela , el clavo , jengibre y otras especies procedentes de la India se realizaba a través de la cuenca del Mediterráneo (puerto de Venecia y Génova). Los portugueses querían abaratar su coste y hacerse con el dominio de una ruta que les diera cierta hegemonía en Europa, así surgieron las primeras expediciones portuguesas (Vasco Da Gama) que bordeando África consiguieron llegar a la India y sus islas adyacentes. Debido al descubrimiento de esta nueva ruta, los portugueses se hicieron con el monopolio del océano índico, controlando el mercado de la India, China y Japón. Lisboa era entonces el principal puerto de Europa.
The trade of cinnamon, cloves, ginger and other species from India were done through the Mediterranean sea (Port of Venice and Genoa). The Portuguese wanted to low its cost and gain mastery of a route that will give certain hegemony in Europe, this is how it came the first Portuguese expeditions (Vasco Da Gama) that reached India bordering Africa and its near islands. Due to the discovery of this new route, the Portuguese had the monopoly of the Indian Ocean, controlling the market in India, China and Japan. Lisbon was the main port of Europe.
The trade of cinnamon, cloves, ginger and other species from India were done through the Mediterranean sea (Port of Venice and Genoa). The Portuguese wanted to low its cost and gain mastery of a route that will give certain hegemony in Europe, this is how it came the first Portuguese expeditions (Vasco Da Gama) that reached India bordering Africa and its near islands. Due to the discovery of this new route, the Portuguese had the monopoly of the Indian Ocean, controlling the market in India, China and Japan. Lisbon was the main port of Europe.
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Imagen de/ pic from "Historias de la India" |
Cristobal Colón propuso a los Reyes Católicos otra ruta alternativa para llegar a la India. Él pensaba que la tierra era redonda y por tanto había otra forma de llegar a la India hasta entonces desconocida que podría dar la hegemonía comercial a España. Fue entonces, buscando una nueva ruta para conseguir la canela y otras especies cuando descubrió "las Américas".
Christopher Columbus offered to the Catholic Monarchs an alternative route to reach India. He thought that the earth was round and therefore there was another way to reach India unknown at that point, that could give commercial hegemony to Spain. It was then, looking for a new route to get the cinnamon and other species he discovered "the Americas".
Christopher Columbus offered to the Catholic Monarchs an alternative route to reach India. He thought that the earth was round and therefore there was another way to reach India unknown at that point, that could give commercial hegemony to Spain. It was then, looking for a new route to get the cinnamon and other species he discovered "the Americas".
Propiedades de la CANELA / Cinnamon properties
Desde la antiguedad se ha usado por sus benefícios, la canela es antiséptica, antiespasmódica, larvicida, sedante....Nuevas investigaciones atribuyen a la canela la propiedad de estabilizar los niveles elevados de azúcar en sangre.
Since ancient times has been used for its net benefits, cinnamon is antiseptic, antispasmodic, larvicide, sedative .... New research attributed to the cinnamon the property of stabilizing the high levels of blood sugar.
Since ancient times has been used for its net benefits, cinnamon is antiseptic, antispasmodic, larvicide, sedative .... New research attributed to the cinnamon the property of stabilizing the high levels of blood sugar.
Parece ser que la canela tiene un componente químico de gran similitud a la "insulina" (hormona pancreática que se encarga de trasladar la glucosa a los músculos y que controla que los niveles de glucosa en sangre sean adecuados), influyendo positivamente en el metabolismo de glucosa y de las grasas. Algo que sería muy beneficioso en personas con diabetes y sobrepeso. Pero esto sigue en estudios.
Cinnamon apparently has a very similar chemical component than the "insulin" (pancreas hormone which is responsible for move the glucose to the muscles and controlling that the blood glucose levels are appropriate), positively influencing in the glucose metabolism and the fats. Something that would be very beneficial for people with diabetes and overweight. But this still studies.
Cinnamon apparently has a very similar chemical component than the "insulin" (pancreas hormone which is responsible for move the glucose to the muscles and controlling that the blood glucose levels are appropriate), positively influencing in the glucose metabolism and the fats. Something that would be very beneficial for people with diabetes and overweight. But this still studies.
La CANELA y el menor consumo de azúcar / Cinnamon and less sugar intake
La canela además es un potente saborizante / edulcorante, y debido a esta propiedad podemos disminuir el aporte de azúcar en nuestras recetas. Disminuyendo en caso de los diabéticos una posible subida post-pandrial de azúcar y disminuyendo las kilocalorías del postre.
Cinnamon flavor is a powerful addition / sweetener, and because of this property we can decrease the sugar intake in our recipes. Decreasing in case of diabetics a possible post-prandial rise in sugar and reducing calories dessert.
La canela forma parte de un gran número de recetas, ¡sobre todo de dulces! Arroz con leche, cinnamon rolls, bizcochos... y mi último descubrimiento "Obleas de canela" recién traidas de Karlovy Vary, ciudad checa cercana a Praga conocida por sus balnearios de agua mineromedicinales y por ser el lugar de residencia del Archiduque Francisco Fernando de Austria (cuyo asesinato desembocó en la Primera Guerra Mundial).
Cinnamon is part of a large number of recipes, especially sweets! Rice pudding, cinnamon rolls, biscuits ... and my latest discovery "Cinnamon Wafers" just brought from Karlovy Vary, close to Prague known for its mineral water spas and for being the residence of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (whose assassination led to World War I) .
Cinnamon flavor is a powerful addition / sweetener, and because of this property we can decrease the sugar intake in our recipes. Decreasing in case of diabetics a possible post-prandial rise in sugar and reducing calories dessert.
La canela forma parte de un gran número de recetas, ¡sobre todo de dulces! Arroz con leche, cinnamon rolls, bizcochos... y mi último descubrimiento "Obleas de canela" recién traidas de Karlovy Vary, ciudad checa cercana a Praga conocida por sus balnearios de agua mineromedicinales y por ser el lugar de residencia del Archiduque Francisco Fernando de Austria (cuyo asesinato desembocó en la Primera Guerra Mundial).
Cinnamon is part of a large number of recipes, especially sweets! Rice pudding, cinnamon rolls, biscuits ... and my latest discovery "Cinnamon Wafers" just brought from Karlovy Vary, close to Prague known for its mineral water spas and for being the residence of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (whose assassination led to World War I) .
Pero sin duda alguna, el postre con canela que más me gusta son las "natillas". Un día, se me ocurrió hacer una versión "ligera" o "sin azúcar" de estas con un mayor contenido de canela y edulcorante. La verdad es que salieron deliciosas! Os animo a probarlas!
But the dessert with cinnamon that I like most is the "custard". One day, I decided to make a "lightweight" or "sugar free" version of these with a higher content of cinnamon and sweetener. The truth is very delicious! I encourage you to try them!
But the dessert with cinnamon that I like most is the "custard". One day, I decided to make a "lightweight" or "sugar free" version of these with a higher content of cinnamon and sweetener. The truth is very delicious! I encourage you to try them!
Receta de "Natillas sin azúcar" o "Natillas versión ligeras" "Sugarfree custard" or "Ligh custard" recipe
¡Muy sencillo! Para las natillas de vainilla versión light, utilizaremos 1 sobre de "Potax", 1 litro de leche desnatada, canela en rama y en polvo, sacarina y galletas (para adornar la natilla).
Very simple! For vanilla custard light version, use 1 sachet of "Potax", 1 liter of skimmed milk and cinnamon powder, saccharin and crackers (for garnish the custard).
Seguiremos el método de preparación que nos indica el envase, con alguna variación:
We will follow the method of preparation that indicates the label, with some variation:.
1) Utilizaremos leche desnatada. / We use skimmed milk.
2) Añadiremos 2 sacarinas por cucharada de azúcar ( una sacarina tiene el mismo poder edulcorante que 5 gramos de azúcar).
We will add 2 saccharin per sugar tablespoon (saccharine has the same sweetening power than 5 grams of sugar).
3) Añadiremos también al calentar la leche para disolver la sacarina, un par de ramitas de canela en rama (que después quitaremos antes de añadir el resto de leche con el sobre disuelto de Potax).
We will also add when we heat the milk to dissolve saccharin, a couple of cinnamon sticks (later we will remove before adding the remaining milk with dissolved Potax on).
4) Al servir añadimos una galleta tipo "María" y espolvorearemos la canela sobre la natilla.
When serving add a cookie and sprinkle cinnamon on the custard.
" La canela un recurso natural para disminuir el nivel de azúcar" El periodico de la farmacia
Historias de la India
Receta de Natillas "Potax" de Maizena
Custard Recipe "Potax" from Maizena
" La canela un recurso natural para disminuir el nivel de azúcar" El periodico de la farmacia
Historias de la India
Receta de Natillas "Potax" de Maizena
Custard Recipe "Potax" from Maizena
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