Estas palabras suenan cada vez más amenudo a nuestro alrededor en cuanto se acaban las vacaciones en especial las de Verano.Pero..¿ Qué es realmente el Sindrome Postvacacional? Gracias a la revista "Consejos de tu farmacéutico" de Septiembre la que nos ha dado la pista.
"La depresión postvacacional hace referencia al conjunto de síntomas clínicos que sufre una persona al finalizar el periodo estival y la subsiguiente reincorporación al curso escolar o la vida laboral"
Doctora Blanca Bueno, Psicóloga del Centro Médico Teknon.
- Tristeza
- Apatía
- Insomnio
- Aumento/ disminución del apetito
- Irritabilidad
1) Retomar una "pauta horaria de sueño", debemos ajustar nuestro reloj biológico a nuestro ritmo de vida. Irnos a la cama a una misma hora todos los días para acostumbrarnos, y no aburrirnos contando ovejitas .
El insomnio es una de las mayores pandemias del siglo XXI. El estrés, nuestro ritmo frenético, la falta de horarios y lo que mucha gente aún desconoce, nuestros malos hábitos alimentarios, hacen que no consigamos dormir y descansar durante la noche.
En ocasiones no conseguimos conciliar el sueño, o nos despertamos sucesivamente a lo largo de la noche y nos desvelamos, lo que nos provoca al día siguiente fatiga e irritabilidad (aparte de un envejecimiento prematuro). El insomnio puede ser un problema temporal, pero la falta crónica de sueño pone en riesgo nuestra salud física y mental.
Los fármacos para inducir al sueño y las plantas medicinales no deben ser más que una solución puntual. Para combatir el insomnio debemos cambiar nuestra "dieta" o régimen de vida, desprendernos del estrés y tener en cuenta las siguientes pautas de alimentación.
Las personas que no comen o comen mal por algunas drásticas"dietas milagro" duermen y descansan peor. Sin embargo un exceso de comida, sobretodo muy cerca de la hora de acostarse, provoca acidez y por tanto insomnio. El sueño y el descanso está en el equilibrio.
2) Reducir el nivel de expectativas y exigencias, no debemos plantearnos grandes objetivos desde el principio si no ir progresivamente incrementandolos. No queramos perder de golpe 20kg, perdamos una semana uno otra otro, y poco a poco , con fuerza y trabajo, lo conseguiremos!
Como dice Serrat, "Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar".
3) Tener unos hábitos saludables, y reducir el consumo de cafeína/teína y alcohol.
Si necesitamos un "extra" para coger con fuerza la rutina, no descartes un complejo polivitamínico, no engordan y nos aseguramos tener nuestro cuerpo al 100%.
El próximo día explicaremos en ¿Cómo elegir unas vitaminas adecuadas para cada uno de nosotros?
These words sound increasingly around us as the holidays are just especially in summer. But... What is really Post Vacation Syndrome? Thanks to the magazine "Tips from your pharmacist" September which has given us the track.
"The post-holiday depression refers to the set of clinical symptoms suffered by a person at the end of the summer and the subsequent return to school or work life"
Post Vacation Syndrome Symptoms:
¿How can we avoid this syndrome?
1) Take up a "pattern of sleep time", we must adjust our biological clock to our lifestyle. Go to bed at the same hour every day to get used to, and not get bored counting sheep.

Sometimes we do not get to sleep, or woke up on over night and we reveal, what causes us the next day fatigue and irritability (apart from premature aging). Insomnia may be a temporary problem, but the chronic lack of sleep threatens our physical and mental health.
The sleep-inducing meds and medicinal plants should not be more than a point solution. To combat insomnia we must change our "diet" or way of life, let go of stress and consider the following dietary guidelines.
People who do not eat or eat poorly by some drastic "miracle diets" get worst sleep and rest. However an excess of food, especially close to bedtime, acidity and therefore causes sleeplessness. Sleep and rest is in the balance.
2) Reduce the level of expectations and demands, we must not ask ourselves great goals from the beginning, instead of going progressively increasing them. Do not want to lose 20kg blow, lose one week of each other other, and gradually, working hard and we'll make it!
As Serrat says, "Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar" ("Traveler there is no path, paths are made by walking").
3) Have healthy habits and reduce consumption of caffeine / protein and alcohol.
Doctor Blanca Bueno, Psychologist in the Medical Center Teknon.
- sadness
- apathy
- insomnia
- Increase / decrease in appetite
- irritability
¿How can we avoid this syndrome?
1) Take up a "pattern of sleep time", we must adjust our biological clock to our lifestyle. Go to bed at the same hour every day to get used to, and not get bored counting sheep.
Insomnia is one of the largest pandemics in the XXI century. Stress, our fast-paced, lack of time and that many people still unknown, our bad habits, do not get sleep and rest during the night.
Sometimes we do not get to sleep, or woke up on over night and we reveal, what causes us the next day fatigue and irritability (apart from premature aging). Insomnia may be a temporary problem, but the chronic lack of sleep threatens our physical and mental health.
The sleep-inducing meds and medicinal plants should not be more than a point solution. To combat insomnia we must change our "diet" or way of life, let go of stress and consider the following dietary guidelines.
People who do not eat or eat poorly by some drastic "miracle diets" get worst sleep and rest. However an excess of food, especially close to bedtime, acidity and therefore causes sleeplessness. Sleep and rest is in the balance.
2) Reduce the level of expectations and demands, we must not ask ourselves great goals from the beginning, instead of going progressively increasing them. Do not want to lose 20kg blow, lose one week of each other other, and gradually, working hard and we'll make it!
As Serrat says, "Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar" ("Traveler there is no path, paths are made by walking").
3) Have healthy habits and reduce consumption of caffeine / protein and alcohol.
If we need an "extra" to catch routine, do not discard a complex multivitamin, not fattening to make sure we have our body 100%.
The next day, we will explain ¿How to choose a right vitamins for each of us?
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