Hoy nos levantamos con las Natuchips de Grefusa, un producto tipo "snack" que no paramos de ver en todos los medios de comunicación.
Las "NatuChips" son un nuevo snack de Grefusa con base de cereales, patata y soja, y tienen un 70% menos de grasa en comparación con las patatas fritas, debido a que no es un producto frito si no horneado.
Hemos podido ver el Análisis Nutricional de las "NatuChip" a través de la página web de Grefusa, como podemos observar dichas bolsitas de ración 30g, son menos calóricas que el resto de snacks a los que estamos habitualmente acostumbrados.
Aquí, repetimos, la importancia de conocer cómo leer los "etiquetados nutricionales", y dar el lugar adecuado de cada alimento en nuestra dieta. ¡Ojo! y vuelvo a repetir, leer los etiquetados no debe ser una obsesión, pero si debemos ser conscientes de los alimentos que compramos.
Ahora, comparamos la composición nutricional de este tipo de "snack" con otras conocidisimas patatas fritas "Lays" al punto de sal, y su versión "forno" con un 70% menos de grasa.
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Análisis Snacks |
No sólo es importante saber la redución de kilocalorías de los snacks horneados con respecto a los fritos, si no es su cantidad de grasa y de grasas saturadas (responsables de las enfermedades cardiovasculares).
En cuanto al sabor, he de decir que no me pude resistir a probarlas y aunque efectivamente no son patatas fritas, he de confesar que me gustaron (creo que hay pocos tipos de snacks que me disgusten), así ¡os invito a probarlas!
¿Qué os parecen?
¿Las habéis probado?
Good morning!
Today we wake up with Natuchips from Grefusa, a "snack" we watch continuously on tv and in every media.
We have seen the Nutritional Analysis of the "NatuChip" through Grefusa website, as we can see these bags of 30g have less caloric than other snacks which we usually eat.
Here we repeat, the importance of knowing how to read the "nutritional labeling" and know the correct space of each food in our diet. Watch out! and I say it again, labeling reading should not be an obsession, but we must be aware of the food we buy.
Now, we compare the nutritional composition of this type of "snack" with other famous chips, called "Lays" to the point of salt flavor, and its version "forno" with 70% less fat.
Today we wake up with Natuchips from Grefusa, a "snack" we watch continuously on tv and in every media.
"NatuChips" are a new snack from Grefusa with cereal base, potato and soy, and have 70% less fat as compared to french fries because it is not a fried product, it is baked.
We have seen the Nutritional Analysis of the "NatuChip" through Grefusa website, as we can see these bags of 30g have less caloric than other snacks which we usually eat.
Here we repeat, the importance of knowing how to read the "nutritional labeling" and know the correct space of each food in our diet. Watch out! and I say it again, labeling reading should not be an obsession, but we must be aware of the food we buy.
Now, we compare the nutritional composition of this type of "snack" with other famous chips, called "Lays" to the point of salt flavor, and its version "forno" with 70% less fat.
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Snacks Analysis |
It is not only is it important to know the calories lose frome baked snacks in respect of the fried ones. The amount of fat and saturated fat (responsible for cardiovascular disease).
As for the taste, I must say that I could not resist to try them and although they are not actually chips, I must confess that I liked (I think there are few types of snacks that I dislike), so I invite you to try them!
¿How do you find it?
¿Did you try it?
Pues no las he probado la verdad... en la proxima visita al súper las buscaré!