Hoy, para empezar la semana quiero hacer un "post" un poco especial. Siempre hablamos de lo saludable y los beneficios de una dieta equilibrada, y hoy quiero recalcar la importancia de estas dietas de una manera distinta.
Today, to start the week I am writing a "post" a bit special. We always talk about how healthy and the benefits of a balanced diet, and today I want to mark the importance of these diets in a different way.
Today, to start the week I am writing a "post" a bit special. We always talk about how healthy and the benefits of a balanced diet, and today I want to mark the importance of these diets in a different way.
No quiero que "educatudieta" se transforme en un mero blog donde se recomienden dietas saludables para bajar peso o convertirte en el hombre o mujer 10 físicamente, porque NO existe dicha perfección, y la búsqueda de ella nos puede ocasionar infelicidad y un trastorno alimentario, que no siempre se quedan en los archiconocidas bulimia y anorexia.
I do not want "educatudieta" becomes merely a blog that recommend healthy diets to lose weight or become the man or woman 10 physically, because there is NO such perfection, and the pursuit of it can cause us unhappiness and an eating disorder, they do not always stay in the well-known bulimia and anorexia.
I do not want "educatudieta" becomes merely a blog that recommend healthy diets to lose weight or become the man or woman 10 physically, because there is NO such perfection, and the pursuit of it can cause us unhappiness and an eating disorder, they do not always stay in the well-known bulimia and anorexia.
- Ortorexia: Preocupación patológica por una dieta equilibrada y sana, sólo consumen alimentos ecológicos, bio, orgánicos sin conservantes ni tratamientos artificiales. Es un problema alimenticio que gira en relación a la calidad de los alimentos. / Orthorexia: Concern pathological balanced and healthy diet, eat only organic food, bio, organic no preservatives or artificial treatments. A nutritional problem which rotates in relation to the quality of food.
- Drunkorexia o ebriorexia: Trastorno que se produce sobretodo en chicas jóvenes obsesionadas con la delgadez que equilibran las kilocalorías del alcohol que consumen cuando salen de fiesta con la dieta, restringiendo la ingesta de alimentos. / Drunkorexia or Ebriorexia: disorder that occurs mainly in young girls obsessed with thinness that balance calories consumed alcohol when out partying with diet, restricting food intake.
- Sadorexia: Este trastorno deriva de la triada anorexia-bulimia-ortorexia, y se combina con el dolor y el castigo físico. Es el caso más extremo de anorexia. / Sadorexia: This disorder results from the triad anorexia-bulimia, orthorexia, and combined with the pain and punishment. It is the most extreme case of anorexia.
- Sindrome del Comedor nocturno: Anorexia matutina que se contrarresta con una hiperfagia nocturna , toman la mayor parte de kcal por la noche, provocando insomnio, ansiedad. / Night eating disorder: Anorexia that counteracts a nocturnal hyperphagia, take most of kcal night, causing insomnia, anxiety.
- Vigorexia: Obsesión por el cuerpo y el ejercicio físico. Deseo obsesivo de ganar masa magra (músculo) y no grasa. Realizan un ejercicio físico excesivo y convulsivo. Sus vidas giran en torno al gimnasio. / Vigorexia: Obsessed with body and exercise. Obsessive desire to gain lean mass (muscle) and fat. Perform excessive physical exercise and seizure. Their lives revolve around the gym.
- Permarexia: Trastorno de la alimentación en la que la persona piensa que "todo lo que come engorda" y prueba continuamente distintas dietas, sobretodo "dietas milagro", contar calorías constantemente,fluctuar continuamente de peso por las dietas "yo-yo" obsesionarse con los etiquetados nutricionales..Obsesión por el contenido calórico de los alimentos. / Permarexia: Eating disorder in which the person thinks "everything you eat get him/her fat" and continually test different diets, especially "miracle diets", count calories constantly, continually fluctuate weight diets "yo-yo" obsessed with the nutritional labeling .. Obsessed with calorie content of foods.
- Pica o Pseudorexia: Deseo continuo de comer o lamer cosas no nutritivas tipo yeso, tiza, cenizas de cigarrillo. / Pica or Pseudorexia: Continued desire of eating or licking non-nutritous things such plaster, chalk, cigarette ashes.
- Síndrome del descontrol alimentario: Se caracteriza por la ingesta desorbitada en un periodo corto de tiempo, a veces a escondidas o sin hambre, de comida, sin luego aplicar ningún tipo de purgación (ni vómitos ni laxantes). / Binge eater disorder: is characterized by exorbitant intake in a short period of time, sometimes in secret or without hunger, food, no then apply any purging (vomiting or laxatives or).
Con este blog me gustaría que todas las personas que lo leen aprendan un poco sobre cómo comer mejor y lo apliquen a sus vidas, de manera que haya un día es que ellos sea quien transmitan la información a su familia, amigos, compañeros...
With this blog I would like all the people who read it to learn a little about how to eat better and apply it to their lives, so you have one day is whoever they transmit the information to their family, friends, partners...
With this blog I would like all the people who read it to learn a little about how to eat better and apply it to their lives, so you have one day is whoever they transmit the information to their family, friends, partners...
Estos trastornos no son algo ajeno a nuestras vidas, continuamente los vemos a diario en la calle y por los medios de comunicación. Afectan a todo tipo de clases sociales, profesiones... incluso a aquellos a los que el "éxito" o la "fama" les rodea.
These disorders are not something alienated to our lives, we can see it everyday on the street and by the media. They affect all social classes, jobs ... even those that "success" or "fame" around them.
These disorders are not something alienated to our lives, we can see it everyday on the street and by the media. They affect all social classes, jobs ... even those that "success" or "fame" around them.
Felicidad, éxito y belleza son un tridente poco estable y efímero entendido en el físico de la forma más banal.
Happiness, success and beauty are an unstable and ephemeral trident undestood in the physical in a banal way.
Happiness, success and beauty are an unstable and ephemeral trident undestood in the physical in a banal way.
En los 90, las Spice Girl triunfaban a lo largo y ancho de todo el planeta, y sin embargo una de sus componentes "Geri Halliwell" también conocida como la "Ginger" Spice por sus curvas y su manera sexy y provocativa de vestir, deseada por el género masculino y femenino, tras su abandono del grupo sufrió "bulimia", y hoy en día reconoce lo cerca que estuvo de perderse por completo. Años después también su compañera musical "Mel C" o " Sporty Spice" reconoció también haber sufrido trastornos alimentarios durante la vida musical del grupo.
In the '90s, the Spice Girls triumphed over and wide across the planet, and yet one of its components "Geri Halliwell" also known as the "Ginger" Spice for their curves and sexy and provocative way of dressing, desired by male and female, after his abandonment of the group suffered "bulimia", and today recognizes how close he came to miss her completely. Years later also his musical companion "Mel C" or "Sporty Spice" also recognized eating disorders have suffered during the group's musical life.
In the '90s, the Spice Girls triumphed over and wide across the planet, and yet one of its components "Geri Halliwell" also known as the "Ginger" Spice for their curves and sexy and provocative way of dressing, desired by male and female, after his abandonment of the group suffered "bulimia", and today recognizes how close he came to miss her completely. Years later also his musical companion "Mel C" or "Sporty Spice" also recognized eating disorders have suffered during the group's musical life.
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Geri halliwell ( before and after bulimia) |
Indiscutible era el talento y el éxito de la fallecida cantante Amy Winehouse, pero el abuso de las drogas y los trastornos de la alimentación hicieron de ella una estrella estrellada. Y Lady Gaga hace poco declaró que sufre anorexia y bulimia desde los 15 años.
Undisputed was the talent and success of the late singer Amy Winehouse, but drug abuse and eating disorders made her a star starry. And lately declared Lady Gaga suffered anorexia and bulimia since age 15.
Undisputed was the talent and success of the late singer Amy Winehouse, but drug abuse and eating disorders made her a star starry. And lately declared Lady Gaga suffered anorexia and bulimia since age 15.
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Amy Winehouse |
Imposible no acordarse del triste fallecimiento de la modelo francesa Isabelle Caro, victima de la anorexia.
It is impossible to forget the sad death of the french model Isabelle Caro, anorexia victim.
It is impossible to forget the sad death of the french model Isabelle Caro, anorexia victim.
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Isabelle Caro |
Modelos, cantantes, actrices...Diane Keaton hace poco rompió su silencio y reconoció padecer bulimia durante su relación con el director de cine Woody Allen.
Models, singers, actresses ... Diane Keaton recently broke his silence and admitted suffering bulimia during her relationship with film director Woody Allen.
Models, singers, actresses ... Diane Keaton recently broke his silence and admitted suffering bulimia during her relationship with film director Woody Allen.
Incluso en "Palacio", las princesas herederas no eran felices ni comían perdices.... Lady Di o Victoria de Suecia hablaron abiertamente sobre la bulimia y la anorexia que padecieron respectivamente con el fín de poder ayudar a otros hombres y mujeres y dar ejemplo de su superación personal. Incluso muchos años antes y gracias a la labor de los historiadores se ha puesto de manifiesto que "Sisí" Emperatriz del Imperio Austrohúngaro estaba obsesionada con la belleza y la delgadez, cuya obsesión la derivó a la bulimia.
Even in "Palace", the princesses were not happy or ate partridges .... Lady Di or Victoria of Sweden spoke openly about bulimia and anorexia who suffered respectively to finally be able to help other men and women and set an example of his improvement. Even many years ago and thanks to the work of historians has revealed that "Sissi" Empress of Austria-Hungary was obsessed with beauty and thinness, whose obsession led to bulimia.
Even in "Palace", the princesses were not happy or ate partridges .... Lady Di or Victoria of Sweden spoke openly about bulimia and anorexia who suffered respectively to finally be able to help other men and women and set an example of his improvement. Even many years ago and thanks to the work of historians has revealed that "Sissi" Empress of Austria-Hungary was obsessed with beauty and thinness, whose obsession led to bulimia.
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Diana de Gales |
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Victoria de Suecia, antes y después. ( before and after) |
Ni siquiera las herederas de un imperio de la moda como Versache.
Not even the heirs of a fashion empire as Versache.
Not even the heirs of a fashion empire as Versache.
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Alegra Versache |
Cuida de tí y de las personas que quieres. Aprende a comer, ¡ Educa tu dieta!
Educa tu dieta! Take care yourself and the people you most love.
Educa tu dieta! Take care yourself and the people you most love.
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Pirámide de la Alimentacion ( SENC) |
Referencias/ References:
Descripción:Este libro pretende dotar a la sociedad en general y a los educadores en particular de los conocimientos necesarios para la detección temprana de los trastornos alimentarios clásicos, a los que hoy se añaden otros como vigorexia, ortorexia, atracones o el síndrome del comedor nocturno y derivarlos al especialista oportuno.
Descripción:Este libro pretende dotar a la sociedad en general y a los educadores en particular de los conocimientos necesarios para la detección temprana de los trastornos alimentarios clásicos, a los que hoy se añaden otros como vigorexia, ortorexia, atracones o el síndrome del comedor nocturno y derivarlos al especialista oportuno.
Que interesantes los comentarios que haceis acerca de los trastornos que se pueden derivar de la mala alimentación, con este trabajo ayudareis a muchas personas a que reflexionen sobre ello y así se podrán evitar muchos problemas. !!!! Un buen enfoque!!!!!. Un beso al equipo. C